Monday, May 12, 2008

Bash Substring Manipulation

I recently completed a project for work to automate pulling specific subversion revisions of code and publishing them to various servers. While relatively simple in practice, a number of operational dependencies had to be considered, and it had to be written in bash. I've done a bit of shell programming in the past, but never really written a "system" in shell. Not surprisingly, I learned a few things in the process, which I'll be sharing on this blog as they come to mind. One thing I learned, which will come in handy down the road, is that bash has a number of builtin substring operations. As an example, I had to trim a number of paths to insure that there wasn't a trailing forward-slash at the end. Obviously, there are a few ways of doing this, but I found a very convenient and simple idiom that I'll be adding to my toolbox.


removes shortest match of substring from end of string

so, if mydir="/home/travis/"

echo "${mydir%/}" will produce /home/travis
echo "${mydir%/*/}" will produce /home

What's nice as opposed to just chopping the last character off the string is that if the string is already formatted without a trailing slash, nothing will change.

echo "${mydir%/}" will produce /home/travis


Unknown said...

fantastic! i'm always using sed which is way less consise for these types of things...
thanks, travis!

Unknown said...

Hi Travis,

This works with ksh too.
Notice that '%' does a substitution from the end of the value and '#' does a substitution form the beginnning of the value. It is useful to get an extension for instance :
[ dvedv326 : oracle : XXX ]> echo ${toto}
[ dvedv326 : oracle : XXX ]> echo ${toto#*.}

If you have time to lose, try man ksh ;)