Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What's Stealing That Port?

If something is bound to a port, and you want to know what it is, you can use the fuser command to determine what's attached. This is particularly handy if some rogue process has stolen port 80, and you want to know what it is.

root@travis-ubuntu:/home/travis# fuser -v http/tcp
http/tcp: root 5950 F.... apache2
www-data 19140 F.... apache2
www-data 21501 F.... apache2
www-data 21508 F.... apache2
www-data 21521 F.... apache2
www-data 23207 F.... apache2
www-data 23209 F.... apache2
www-data 23245 F.... apache2
www-data 23353 F.... apache2
www-data 23460 F.... apache2
www-data 23555 F.... apache2


Anonymous said...

netstat (GNU at least) can be handy too. With option -p it will show programs that opened each connection.

Nate said...

lsof -i :80
works as well